Selasa, 01 Mei 2012


Nama                   : Nurfie Fitriani
Npm           : 1A211308
Kelas          : 4EA12
Bahasa Inggris 2

Too and So
1.      SO
Rumus :                                                                                                 
Subject 1 + to be/verb+ object/complement+and+so+aux+subject 2
Contoh :
Snow White was beautiful
The Queen was beautiful
(Snow White was beautiful and so was The Queen)
2.      TOO
Rumus :
Subject 1 + to be/verb+ object/complement+and+subject 2+aux+too
Contoh :
Snow White was beautiful
The Queen was beautiful
(Snow White was beautiful and The Queen was too)

Contoh Soal :
1.     My sister loves chocolate.  I love chocolate too.
2.     Peter was late.  Mary was late too.
3.     Coffee keeps you awake. Tea keeps you awake Too.
4.     My perents would love to live by the sea. I would love to live by the sea Too.
5.     Julie is interested in art. I’m interested in art too.
6.     The car was SO expensive. That couldn’t buy it.
7.     Giselle’s so good she could be a profesional.
8.     She plays so well. That she could be a profesionel.

Either Neither
1.       NEITHER
Rumus :
Subject 1 + verb+ object+and+ subject 2+aux+not+either
Contoh :
Hima can not sing a song
Shela can not sing a song
(Hima can not sing a song and Shela can not either )

2.       EITHER
Rumus :
Subject 1 + verb+ object +and+neither+aux+subject 2
Contoh :
Hima can not sing a song
Shela can not sing a song
(Hima can not sing a song and neither can Shela)

 Penggunaan Either dan Neither tanpa Or dan Nor

Either + singular subject + singular verb
Neither + singular subject + singular verb

Penggunaan Either…or dan Neither…nor
+ noun +
+ plural noun
+ plural verb
+ noun +
+ singular noun
+ singular verb

Contoh Soal :
1.      Fred likes helping his friends. So does Linda (both..and).
Both Fred and Linda like helping their friends
2.      Harry should to date Ann. Or was it Helen? (either..or)
Harry used to date either Ann or Helen
3.      We should learn to accept our weaknesses and our strengths. (not only..but also).
We should learn to accept not only our weaknesses but also our strengths
4.      He never listens to or advises his friends when they have a problem. (neither..nor).
He neither listens to nor advises his friends when they have a problem
5.      I’ve betrayed your trust. I’ve betrayed your love for me. (not only..but also).
I've betrayed not only your trust but also your love for me
6.      He felt disappointed. He felt misunderstood. (both..and).
He felt both disappointed and misunderstood
7.      Brian isn’t very considerate. Neither is tom. (neither..nor).
Neither Brian nor Tom are very considerate
8.      A true friends is someone who is caring and loving. (both..and).
A true friend is someone who is both caring and loving
9.      Rachel should apologisa or leave. (either..or).
Rachel should either apologise or leave
10.  Richard and jhon didn’t keep her secret. (neither..or).
Neither Richard nor John kept her secret

A gerund is anoun formed from a verb. To make a gerund, you did “-ing” to the verb, just as with a present participle. The fundamental difference is that a gerund is a noun, while a perticiple is an adjective :
(verb + V ing)
Example of Gerund :
1.      The busnessman enjoys borrowing money from the bank.
2.      Sneezing exhausts steve who require eight tissues ang twent-seven Gesundheits before he is done.
Contoh Soal :
1.      Mocrosoft is a good axample of a company that is Structured (structure) along product lines.
2.      The student of Gunadarma School of Economic were Doing (do) a TOEFL test when the lecturer entered the class.
3.      The new clerk was Being (be) interviewed when she came to the company.
4.      How long will the IMF Director be Staying (stay) in indonesia.
5.      Rising (Rise) costs and the worldwide spread of shared tastes in car stayling have prompted the industry’s giants to expolit global business of scale.
6.      None of the new graduates would be Willing (will) to apply for the vacancy.
7.      Do you mind Lending (lend) you money to restructure the bankrupt company?
8.      The manager of PT SEA MAE ONG always avoids Meeting his inventoris.
9.      I have a meeting with my boss this afternoon. Would you excuse our Leaving (leave) too soon?
10.  The students are busy Writing (write) the final project paper.
11.  We have Making (make) a lot of progress in improving our students engllish ability since we know the use of it.
12.  Our employees have been Working (work) very hard.
13.  Most of the company’s programs have been Carried Out (carry out) succesfully.
14.  Some inventors are Surprised (surprise) at the development or the company.
15.  The Indonesian economic condition made the businessmen Frustrated (frustrate).
16.  The Dissapointed (disappoint) result of the business made the inventory of PT BE QSAR angry.
17.  She looks very Charming (charm) in that traditional dress during the lounching business of the new company.
18.  For a decade, Ford and Volkswagen and many other multinational companies have operated in the region’s main countries as if they formed one Integrated (integrate) market.
19.  In order to be succesful, the new Manufacturing (manufacture) plant will have to reach target within six months.
20.  The entertainment businesses are always on the look out for Talented (talent) peopple to join their creative team.

Pronoun as Subject
Pronouns are versatile words that can substitute for many nouns. The word “pronoun” comes from the Latin word “pronomen” which breaks down onto “pro” and “nomen”. They mean “in place of” and “name.” Pronouns are useful in making our language not be so repetitive and keeps it from bogging down. If it weren’t for pronouns, when you were talking about someone, you would have to keep repeating their name over and over.
Pronouns can be classified according to their function. Following are brief explanations, lists of pronouns, and examples.
The subject pronouns are:   I, we, you, he, she, it, and they.  Here are a few sentences using subject pronouns:

Example :
·         She watered the plants.
·         I wanted to go to the party but he wouldn’t let me.
·         Sometimes, they act crazy.

Contoh Soal :

1.      My name is Sue. I am English. And this is my family.
2.      My mum's name is Angie. She is from Germany.
3.      Bob is my dad. He is a waiter.
4.      On the left you can see Simon. He is my brother.
5.      We are twins.
6.      Our dog is a girl, Judy. She is two years old.
7.      We  live in Canterbury.
8.      It is not far from London.
9.      My grandparents live in London. They often come and see us.
10.  What can you tell me about your family?

Passive Adjectives
Take a look at the following sentences:
John has eaten the cake.
The cake is eaten.

English uses word "eaten" in two contexts — to make a past tense ("present perfect"), but also as an adjective, in the second sentence. Such adjective can be used before the noun:
The eaten cake was delicious.
Such word is called a "passive participle". Croatian has it too, but Croatian makes its past tense with another word — thepast participle. I decided to call this one passive adjective (abbreviation: pass. adj.), since it's a true adjective, one can use it as any other adjective. It's not used to construct any tense in Croatian, it's a completely separate word I didn't explain yet. Some people call it "passive participle", but I opted for the "adjective", to remind you it behaves as any adjective!
Not all verbs have it. Only verbs that have an object in acc. or dat. can have it, and not even all of them do. Verbs that have an obligatory se, e.g. divim se "admire" cannot have a passive adjective, so there's no real counterpart of "admired" in Croatian:
John was admired by Jane. — Sorry! Cannot say it in Croatian, you must rephrase it.
Contoh Soal :
1.      I love studying English. It's just so Exciting
2.      My girlfriend isn't Interseted in sport at all.
3.      I'd like to try a parachute jump but I'm Terrified of flying!
4.      TV is such a Borring way to spend your free time.
5.      We went to a strange party and met some Fascinating people.
6.      Oscar's failed his exam and now he's feeling a bit Depressed.
7.      Don't speak to me now! I'm really Annoyed !
8.      Please don't do that! I find it really Annoying.
9.      The students were Bored with the lesson and so started to misbehave.
10.  Her new boyfriend's really Amusing he knows lots of great jokes!
11.  We're very Exited about visiting London for the first time.
12.  Party games can be Entertaining as long as everyone plays.

1. Nominal Effective and Countless

Countable nouns are nouns which can be calculated, which may indicate the quantity or amount, for example, the noun pen can be counted one, two, or three pens.
Examples of nouns that can be calculated: cat, dog, man, baby, person, animal, bottle, box, coin, cup, plate, table, chair, bag, glass, book, house, etc. Objects that surround us are the objects that can generally be calculated.

S (countable noun) + V / to be / auxiliary (singular / plural) + O / C

Examples of countable nouns in the sentence:

- Do you like these photos?

- I'm going out for five minutes.

Uncountable nouns (also called mass nouns) is the opposite of countable nouns, ie nouns that can not be calculated, for example, the noun water. Noun can not be said to be a water or water two, but more appropriately used in conjunction with other nouns that can be calculated, for example a glass of water or two glass of water.
Examples of nouns that can not be calculated: sand, water, rice, sugar, cheese, tea, coffee, advice, assistance, fun, money, music, art, love, etc.

S (uncountable noun) + V / to be / auxiliary (singular) + O / C

Examples of uncountable nouns in the sentence:

- Can I have some water?
- Shall we sit on the grass?

Consider a few notes about countable and uncountable nouns below:

Much and many who are both meant a lot, commonly used to express the amount of the countable and uncountable nouns. Many are used for countable nouns and lies before him, while much is used for uncountable nouns.

- How many years have you lived in Surabaya?

- She did not have much fun at the Tunjungan Plaza.

Number and amount have the same meaning, namely the number or amount. Number is used for countable nouns, uncountable nouns while the amount for.

- My teacher Gives me a large number of assignments

- My teacher Gives me a large amount of homework.
Few and little have the same meaning, namely a bit. Few used for countable nouns, whereas little is used for uncountable nouns.

- The party has Attended by a few men.

- There is only a little milk on the table.

Fewer and less have the same meaning, namely a bit. Fewer is used for countable nouns, while less is used for uncountable nouns.

- This kind of job will give you fewer dollars

- He pays me less money than I though

Some and any have the same meaning, namely a few, commonly used to denote the number of indeterminate countable nouns (plural) or uncountable nouns.

- I've got some money.

- Have you got any rice?

Countable nouns can be singular or plural form.

- My cat is playing.

- My cats are hungry.
Countable nouns are singular can be preceded by the words this, that, every, each, either, and Neither, whereas the plural is usually preceded by these words, Those, some, any, enough, and the zero article. See also notes and examples above.

Generally, uncountable nouns can not be made into a plural, unless accompanied by other types of words.
- There are new wines being introduced every day.

- The waters of the Atlantic are much warmer this time of year.
Countable nouns can be preceded by a, an (indefinite article) for the singular and the (definite article) for the singular or plural.

If countable nouns singular form, then the use of words like a, an, the, my, this, and so on. should be used.

- I want an orange. (Can not say I want orange.)

- Where is my bottle? (Can not say Where is bottle?)

However, if the plural form of countable nouns, the nouns that can stand alone:
- I like Oranges.

- Bottles can break.

Sometimes uncountable singular nouns that end also treated using a singular verb.
- This news is very important.

- Your luggage looks heavy.

Indefinite article a, an is not commonly used in uncountable nouns.

- A piece of news (not a news)

- A bottle of water (instead of a water)

So, should be given descriptive words in front of him. Consider these other examples.

- There has been a lot of research into the Causes of this disease.

- He gave me a great deal of advice before my interview

Uncountable nouns are often used with no article (zero article)

- Poetry is beautiful.

- Sugar is sweet.

Uncountable nouns can be preceded by the words some, any, enough, this, that, and much. And because it is not countable nouns can not be preceded by these words, Those, every, each, either, and Neither. See more notes and examples above.

It is important to know whether a noun is countable nouns included in or uncountable nouns. This will allow us to recognize what kind of words that can be placed in the vicinity. 
Ekspresi kuantitas adalah kata-kata yang menerangkan jumlah dari sebuah benda.

Contoh : some, any , many, much, . a lot (of ), a few, a little, two, a couple (of ), three, several , etc

Digunakan di depan kata benda ( a lot of people, some fruit, etc)

Dapat juga digunakan sendirian tanpa kata benda, jika yang dimaksud sudah jelas.

Contoh :

A : I need some brown desks
B : I don't have any, ask John, I think he has some

Lihat, pada contoh di atas any dan some digunakan sendirian tanpa kata benda karena sudah jelas yang dimaksud adalah any brown desks / some brown desks

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