Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

Artikel Tense

Nama              : Nurfie Fitriani
Npm                : 1A211308
Kelas               : 4EA12
Bahasa Inggris 2

(Kalimat Pengandaian)
Conditional sentence adalah kalimat pengandaian yang mengandaikan suatu keinginan, harapan, rencana dan lain-lain yang :
· Masih bisa terjadi (possible)
· Tak terpenuhi / angan-angan (unreal /probable) dan
· Tidak terwujud (imposible)
Bentuk :
Ada tiga conditional sentence yaitu :
· Tipe I : Future conditional yang menyatakan suatu keinginan, harapan, ataupun rencana yang masih BISA TERJADI / when we are thinking about possibilities.
IF + S + V1, S + will +V1
Example :
If I pass the exam I will continue to university
· Type II : Present conditional, yang menyatakan suatu keinginan, harapan ataupun rencana yang tak terpenuhi / angan-angan ( unreal) or when we imagine a situation.
IF + S + V2, S + would + V1
Example :
If I passed the exam, I would continue to university
· Type III : Past conditional yang menyatakan suatu keinginan, harapan atau rencana yang tidak terwujud ( imposible) or when we imagine a situation based on the facts in the past.
IF + S + had + V3, S + would have + V3
If I had passed the exam, I would have continued to university
I did not pass the exam then.
(saya tidak lulus saat itu, jadi saya tidak melanjutkan ke universitas)
Untuk tipe III sering berbentuk inversion (pembalikan posisi).
Subjek 2 kata kerjanya serta tidak menggunakan IF.
Had I passed the exam, I would have continued to university.
Type I
IF + S + V1, S + will + V1
Type II
IF + S + V2, S + would + V1
Type III
IF + S + had + V3, S + would have + V3
Soal :
1.      Once upon a time the cat bit the mouse's tail off. “Give me back my tail,” said the mouse. And the cat said, “Well, I (give)                   you back your tail if you fetched me some milk. But that's impossible to do for a little mouse like you.”
2.      The mouse, however, went to the cow. “The cat (give / only)                 me back my tail if I fetch her some milk.”
3.      And the cow said, “Well, I would give you milk if you (get)                 me some hay. But that's impossible to do for a little mouse like you.”
4.      The mouse, however, went to the farmer. “The cat will only give me back my tail if the cow (give)        me some milk. And the cow (only / give)                me milk if I get her some hay.”
5.      And the farmer said, “Well, I would give you hay if you (bring)                me some meat. But that's impossible to do for a little mouse like you.”
6.      The mouse, however, went to the butcher. “The cat will only give me back my tail if the cow (give)      me milk. And the cow will only give me milk if she (get)               some hay. And the farmer (only / give)     me hay if I get him some meat.”
7.      And the butcher said, “Well, I would give you meat if you (make)              the baker bake me a bread. But that's impossible to do for a little mouse like you.”

Answear :
1.      I would give                 5. Brought. Gives and Gets
2.      Will only give              6. Give and Gets
3.      Got                              7. Made
4.      Will only give
1.      If I had time, I                    shopping with you.
2.      If you                  English, you will get along with them perfectly.
3.      If they had gone for a walk, they              the lights off.
4.      If she                  to see us, we will go to the zoo.
5.      I would have told you, if I                     him.
6.      Would you mind if I                      the window?
7.      If they                  me, I wouldn't have said no.
8.      My friend                     me at the station if he gets the afternoon off.
9.      If I                    it, nobody would do it.
10.  If my father                      me up, I'll take the bus home.

Answear :

1.      I would go                   6. Opened
2.      Speak                           7. Had invited
3.      Would have turned      8. Will meet
4.      Comes                         9. I didn’t do
5.      I had seen                    10. Doesn’t pick

MODALS adalah kata bantu yang memberi arti tertentu pada verba utama dalam kalimat.

S + modals + Verb + O
S + modals + not + Verb I + O
Modals + S + Verb + O

Soal :
1.      The article stated that he ___________ read at the age of three.
2.      You ____________ take a sweater in case it gets cold.
3.      It's going to rain all afternoon.  ___________ we go to the cinema?
4.      Scott ________ be 21 at the end of the month.
5.      Julie said they traffic was heavy, so she  ___________ be late for the meeting.
6.      You look a bit confused.  ________ I help you?
7.      You stole a CD from a friend? You _____________ be ashamed of  yourself!
8.      I don't know the meaning of this word.  _______ I borrow your dictionary?
Answear :
1)  could    2)  should/ought to    3)    shall      4) will      5) might      6) can      7) ought to/should      8) may   
1.  How ______ you have left the bathroom in such a mess ?
2. Mat ______ be lazy but he is certainly not stupid.
3. I ______ speak Swedish, Dutch and Japanese.
4. I think we are lost. The man ______ have given us the wrong directions
5. You ______ be serious about swimming outdoors in winter
6. Plants ______ have sunlight in order to make food.
7. Since our bags are identical you ______ have taken mine by mistake.
8. Parents ______ take care of their children.
9. ______ you excuse me for a moment ?
10. She ______ stay up late if she takes a nap now.
11. It's late. It's time ______ home.
Answear :
1.      Could              6. Must            11. We went
2.      May                 7. Could
3.      Can                  8. Ought to
4.      Might              9. Would
5.      Can’t               10. Can

Negative: Harus dimulai dengan “not to infinitive”

                  a.   The teacher tells the new student. “Don’t be late again! “
                        The teacher tells the student not to be late again

                  b.   The police man told him. “Don’t stop here!”
                        The police man told him not to stop there.

                  c.   He said. “Don’t go away!”
                        He told me not to go away.

 Questions /interrogatives (pertanyaan)

            Bentuk pertanyaan di bagi 2 (dua)
                        1.   Berawalan auxiliary
                        2.   Berawalan kata tanya (Question Word)
            a.   She asks me, “Are you a new student?”
                  She asks me if /whether I am a new student.

            b.   He ask her.” Have you phoned your mother today?”
                  He asks her if / whether she had phoned her mother that day

            c.   She asked me “Could you show me the photos?”
                  She asked me if / weather I could show her the photos.

            d.   She asked me “where do you live?”
                  She asked me where I live.

            e.   He asked her, “why did you phone your mother yesterday?”
                  He asked her why she had phoned her mother the day before.
            f.    She asked me” what should I do now?”
                  She asked me what she should do then.

Notes: Indirect Speech bentuk question, selalu dengan rumus:
                  Auxiliary              : if / whether + subject + verb
                  Question Word    : Kata tanya + subject + verb

Perubahan Tenses:
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
Present Tenses
Past Tense
Present Cont. Tense
Past Cont. Tense
Present Perfect
Past Perfect Tense
Past Tense
Past Perfect Tense
Past Cont. Tense
Past Perfect Cont. Tense
Future Tense
Past Future Tense

Perubahan Kata Keterangan/Adverbs change :

that day
the following day / the next day
the day before /the previous day
that night

Soal :

"Don't leave your bag out here, Tommy," Karen said.


"Stand at attention!" the captain commanded his men.


"Don't touch it! Leave it alone!" I said


"Please take me to the park, Father," the little boy said.


"Please tell me exactly what happened," she said.


"Speak up. I can't hear you," he said to the new boy.


"Don't shake the table while I am writing!" Peter told his brother.


"Please bring your own plates and spoons," she told us.


"Return to the ship immediately!" the officer ordered his men.


"Go to that drawer and bring me the scissors," David told his brother.

Answear :
1.     Karen told Tommy not to leave his bag out there.
2.     The captain commanded his men to stand at attention.
3.     I told him not to touch it but to leave it alone.
4.     The little boy asked his father to take him to the park..
5.     She asked me to tell her exactly what had happened..
6.     He told the new boy to speak up as he couldn't hear him.
7.     Peter told his brother not to shake the table while he was writing.
8.     She suggested us to bring our own plates and spoons.
9.     The officer ordered his men to return to the ship immediately.
10.   David told his brother to go to that drawer and bring him the scissors


"The Prince and Princess lived happily ever after," the storyteller told the children.


"Don't push !" the conductor said to the passengers who were boarding the bus.


"I'm sorry but I can't join you for lunch," he told his friend.


"Do the exercises from pages sixty to sixty-two," Miss Lam told the pupils.


"Do you know how to operate a computer ?" asked the personnel officer.


"Help ! Help ! Help !" I heard someone shout.


"Are you mad at me ?" asked the elder sister.


The cheerleaders shouted, "Hurray ! Fight them ! Show them all your might !"


"Keep the change," the rich man said to the waitress.


I said to myself, "I will definitely beat him in the next event."

Answear :
1.      The storyteller told the children that the Prince and Princess lived happily ever after.
2.      The conductor warned the passengers who were boarding the bus not to push one another.
3.      He told his friend that he couldn't join him for lunch.
4.      Miss Lam told her pupils to do the exercises from pages sixty to sixty-two
5.      The personnel officer asked whether or not the person knew how to operate a computer.
6.      I heard someone shouting for help three times.
7.      The elder sister asked whether or not he/she was angry at her.
8.      The cheerleaders shouted encouraging words in the team.
9.      The rich man told the waitress to keep the change.
10.  I convinced myself that I would win in the next event.

Active and Passive Voice

Kalimat aktif (active voice) adalah kalimat dimana subject-nya melakukan pekerjaan, sebaliknya, kalimat pasif (passive voice) adalah kalimat dimana subject-nya dikenai pekerjaan oleh object kalimat. Active voice lebih sering digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dibandingkan dengan passive voice. Namun demikian, sering kita temukan passive voice di surat-surat kabar, artikel-artikel di majalah-majalah dan tulisan-tulisan ilmiah. Passive voice digunakan karena object dari active voice merupakan informasi yang lebih penting dibandingkan dengan subject-nya.

Contoh :

·         Active : We fertilize the soil every 6 months
·         Passive: The soil is fertilized by us every 6 months

Rumus :
Subject + be + Verb3 + by + Object + modifier
Soal :
1.      John collects money.                                      - Money is collected by John.
2.      Anna opened the window.                            - The window was opened by Anna.
3.      We have done our homework.                       - Our homework has been done by us.
4.      I will ask a question.                                      - A question will be asked by me.
5.      He can cut out the picture.                            - The picture can be cut out by him.
6.      The sheep ate a lot.                                        - A lot was eaten by the sheep.
7.      We do not clean our rooms.                           - Our rooms are not cleaned by us.
8.      William will not repair the car.                      - The car will not be repaired by William.
9.      Did Sue draw this circle?                              - Was this circle drawn by Sue?
10.  Could you feed the dog?                                -  Could the dog be fed by you?
11.  We elected Peter captain.                              - Peter was elected captain.
12.   I saw him opening the parcel.                       - He was seen opening the parcel.
13.   We must listen to his advice.                        - His advice must be listened to
14.   Will I ever forget those happy days?            - Will those happy days ever be forgotten?
15.  By whom was this glass broken?                   - Who broke this glass?
16.   One cannot pluck grapes from thistles.        - Grapes cannot be plucked from thistles.
17.   Without effort, nothing can be gained.        - Without effort, we can gain nothing
18.   Do not insult the weak and the oppressed.  - Let the weak and the oppressed not be insulted.
19.   All desire wealth and some acquire it.          - Wealth is desired by all and is acquired by some.
20.   The information is kept on our computer.    - We keep the information on our computer.

QUESTION TAGS adalah pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dimulai dengan kata tanya sebagai berikut :
1.      Statement
Question Tag

2.      Imperative/Command
Question Tag
With : Let’s
Shall we
Without : Let’s
Will You
Soal :
We shall be going to Australia for a vacation next month, ______ ?


Andrew is willing to assist in serving the customers, ______ ?


Gin shouldn't have come here, ______ ?


The President will be present at the President Star Charity Show, ______ ?


Fatimah can answer the history essay question, ______ ?


Elisa went to visit the doctor yesterday, ______ ?


It wouldn't require a lot of your time to help make the bed, ______ ?


Carol hasn't done anything right, ______ ?


The fireman is going to help the poor man down the ladder, ______ ?


The teachers themselves must be punctual, ______ ?
Answear :
1.      shan't we ?                6. didn't she ?
2.      isn't he ?                    7. would it ?
3.      shouldn't she ?          8. has she ?
4.      won't he ?                 9. isn't he ?
5.      can't she ?                 10. mustn't they ?

1.      Mr McGuinness is from Ireland, isn't he?
2.      The car isn't in the garage, is it?
3.      You are John, aren't you
4.      She went to the library yesterday, didn't she ?
5.      He didn't recognize me, did he?
6.      Cars pollute the environment, don't they?
7.      Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recently, hasn't he?
8.      The trip is very expensive, isn't it?
9.      He won't tell her, will he?
10.  Hugh had a red car, didn't he ?

Both and Both of

Both is used to talk about two people or things.

Both cats and dogs are pet animals.

Before a noun with a determiner (the, my, this etc.), both and both of are both possible.

Both of my parents are teachers. OR Both my parents are teachers.
You can take 
both of the shirts. OR You can take both the shirts.
Both of these answers are correct. OR Both these answers are correct.

Note that the is often dropped after both.

She has eaten both chops. OR She has eaten both the chops. OR She has eaten both of the chops.

Before personal pronouns we use both of.

Both of them have agreed to come. (NOT Both them have agreed to come.)
She has invited 
both of you. (NOT She has invited both you.)

Note that both of is followed by object forms of the pronoun (us, them, you etc.).

The not used before both

We do not put the before both.

Both the boys were given prizes. (NOT The both boys were given prizes.)

Negative structures

In negative structures we use neither, not both not.

Neither of them came. (NOT Both of them did not come.)

Both with verbs

Note the special structure in which both goes with the verb.

They can both swim. (= Both of them can swim.)
They have both come. (= Both of them have come.)
They both liked the movie. (= Both of them liked the movie.)


Note that in this structure words of the same part of speech follow both and and.

She is both beautiful and intelligent. (Here both and and are followed by adjectives.)
both sings and acts. (Verbs)
I have invited 
both John and Peter. (Nouns)

Soal :
  1. I found two pairs of nice in the sales so I bought. Both.
  2. How embarrassing! We're Both wearing the same jumper.
  3. Do you want chocolate or vanilla ice cream? Can I have Both ,please
  4. Both cats and teenagers can lie on the sofa for hours on end without moving.
  5. If you make a sudden move in their direction, both cats and teenagers get frightened.

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